Remote Procedure Call

Parameter Passing

  • RPC has to pass parameters
  • RPC can simulate through
    • Stubs – proxies
    • Marshaling
  • What about globals?


  • Client makes a procedure call to the client stub
  • Defined from an IDL (Interface Definition Language)
  • Stubs take care of the marshaling and sending over the network
  • Marshaling – Packaging of the arguments

RPC View

RPC Steps

  • Client call stub
  • Client Stub does marshalling
  • Client OS sends to Remote OS
  • Server stub unpacks params
  • Server does work and returns to stub
  • Server stub does marshaling
  • Server OS sends to Client OS
  • Client OS gives to Client stub
  • Client Stub unpacks and returns to app

Problems in Marshalling

  • Different machines can have different archs and data formats
    • i.e.: little endian, SPARC: big endian
  • How do we pass pointers
    • What it it points to a struct
    • What if it points to a struct with pointers
  • Marshalling transforms the params into a byte stream

Failure Semantics

  • Server can crash, client can crash, etc.

Client and Server should be cognizant of these failure semantics.

SUNRPC - Binder: Port Mapper

  • On start up, the server creates port.
  • Server stub calls svc_register to register program #, version #, with local port mapper.
  • Port mapper stores prog #, version #, and port.
  • On start up client will call clnt_create to locate the server port
  • Upon return, the client can now call procedures on the server.

RPCGEN Example