November 9th, 2020
Remote Procedure Call
Client-Server provides a mechanism for services in distributed systems BUT
requires explicit-communication (send-receive)
How do we make distributed computing look like normal?
Can we use procedure calls?
Parameter Passing
RPC has to pass parameters
RPC can simulate through
Stubs – proxies
What about globals?
Client makes a procedure call to the client stub
Defined from an IDL (Interface Definition Language)
Stubs take care of the marshaling and sending over the network
– Packaging of the arguments
RPC View
RPC Steps
Client call stub
Client Stub does marshalling
Client OS sends to Remote OS
Server stub unpacks params
Server does work and returns to stub
Server stub does marshaling
Server OS sends to Client OS
Client OS gives to Client stub
Client Stub unpacks and returns to app
Problems in Marshalling
Different machines can have different archs and data formats
i.e.: little endian, SPARC: big endian
How do we pass pointers
What it it points to a struct
What if it points to a struct with pointers
Marshalling transforms the params into a
byte stream
Failure Semantics
Server can crash, client can crash, etc.
Client and Server should be cognizant of these failure semantics.
SUNRPC - Binder: Port Mapper
On start up, the server creates port.
Server stub calls
to register program #, version #, with local port mapper.
Port mapper stores prog #, version #, and port.
On start up client will call
to locate the server port
Upon return, the client can now call procedures on the server.
RPCGEN Example