Avogadro’s number, a mole of a substance contains \(N_{A}\) elementary units:
\[ N_{A} = 6.022 \times 10^{23}\text{ mol}^{-1} \]
Ideal Gas constant:
\[ R = 8.31\text{ J/mol*K} \]
Stefan-Boltzmann constant:
\[ \sigma = 5.670 \times 10^{-8}\text{ W * m}^{-2}\text{* K}^{-4} \]
Wave speed across a string
\[\begin{equation} \label{eq:wave_speed_string} v = \sqrt{\frac{\tau}{\mu}} \end{equation}\]
Sound level \(\beta\) in decibels from an intensity \(I\)
\[\begin{equation} \label{eq:decibel_intensity} \beta = ( 10 dB ) log \frac{I}{I_{0}} \end{equation}\]
Doppler Effect
\[ f^{'} = f \frac{v \pm v_{D}}{v \pm v_{S}} \]
when receiver moves towards the source-
when receiver moves away the source+
when source moves away the receiver-
when source moves towards the receiverFormal definition of temperature (Intuition derived from Constant Volume Gas Thermometer)
\[ T = ( 273.16\ K ) ( \lim_{gas \to 0} \frac{p}{p_{3}} ) \]
Kelvin to Celsius:
\[ T_{C} = T - 273.15^{\circ} \]
Celsius to Fahrenheit:
\[ T_{F} = \frac{9}{5} T_{C} + 32^{\circ} \]
Linear Expansion
\[\begin{equation} \label{eq:linear_expansion} \Delta L = L \alpha \Delta T \end{equation}\]
Volume Expansion Change in volume \(V\) of a solid or liquid is given by:
\[\begin{equation} \label{eq:volume_expansion} \Delta V = V \beta \Delta T \end{equation}\]
Heat capacity:
\[ C = cm \]
Specific heat formula:
\[ Q = mc \Delta T = C \Delta T \]
Heat Transfer involved in Phase Changes
\[\begin{equation} \label{eq:phase_change_heat_transfer} Q = Lm \end{equation}\]
Work done by a gas as it expands/contracts from an initial to a final volume:
\[ dW = p dV \]
\[\begin{equation} \label{eq:gas_work} W = \int_{}^{} dW = \int_{v_{i}}^{v_{f}} p dV \end{equation}\]
First law of thermodynamics. This expresses how energy is conserved for a thermodynamic process:
\[\begin{equation} \label{eq:thermo_first} \Delta E_{int} = Q_{into} - W_{by} \end{equation}\]
Conduction is when energy is transferred between an environment and an object via a conducting material.
Rate at which energy is conducted from a hot reservoir to a cold reservoir via a conducting slab:
\[\begin{equation} \label{eq:thermal_conduction} P_{cond} = \frac{Q}{t} = kA \frac{T_{H} - T_{C}}{L} \end{equation}\]
Thermal resistance to conduction (R-value)
“R-value” insulation formula
\[\begin{equation} \label{eq:r_insulation_formula} R = \frac{L}{k} \end{equation}\]
An environment and an object can also exchange energy by radiation. Meaning, energy as heat can be transferred via electromagnetic waves. This radiation is often called thermal radiation to distinguish it from other waves on the electromagnetic spectrum, say the ones used in nuclear radiation and electromagnetic signals. For example, when you stand in front of a fire, you absorb heat energy from the fire via thermal radiation – the thermal energy of the fire thus decreases. No medium is required to transfer heat via radiation, which is why the Sun can transport thermal radiation through a vacuum.
Rate of Thermal Radiation Energy Emission
\[\begin{equation} \label{eq:radiation_energy_emission_rate} P_{rad} = \sigma \varepsilon A T^{4} \end{equation}\]
Similarly, there is a formula for the rate of thermal radiation energy absorption:
\[\begin{equation} \label{eq:radiation_energy_absorption_rate} P_{abs} = \sigma \varepsilon A T^{4}_{env} \end{equation}\]
We can then determine the net heat transfer rate:
\[\begin{equation} \label{eq:net_heat_transfer_rate} P_{net} = \sigma \varepsilon A T^{4}_{env} - \sigma \varepsilon A T^{4} = \sigma \varepsilon A (T^{4}_{env} - T^{4}) \end{equation}\]
Molar mass (mass, to mass per mole):
\[\begin{equation} \label{eq:molar_mass} M = m N_{A} \end{equation}\]
Moles per mass sample:
\[\begin{equation} \label{eq:moles_per_mass_sample} n = \frac{N}{N_{A}} = \frac{M_{sam}}{M} = \frac{M_{sam}}{m N_{A}} \end{equation}\]
Ideal Gas formula
\[\begin{equation} \label{eq:ideal_gas_law} pV = nRT \end{equation}\]
Ideal gas law in terms of elementary units, \(N\):
\[\begin{equation} \label{eq:ideal_gas_law_molecules} pV = NkT \end{equation}\]
The work done when volume of an ideal gas changes (and temperature stays constant [isothermal]):
\[\begin{equation} \label{eq:isothermal_process_work} W = nRT ln ( \frac{V_{f}}{V_{i}} ) \end{equation}\]
Pressure exerted by \(n\) moles of an ideal gas
\[\begin{equation} \label{eq:ideal_gas_pressure} p = \frac{n M v^{2}_{rms}}{3V} \end{equation}\]
RMS (root-mean-squared) speed expressed in terms of temperature and molar mass:
\[\begin{equation} \label{eq:rms_terms_temperature} v_{rms} = \sqrt{\frac{3RT}{M}} \end{equation}\]
Average translational kinetic energy per molecule in an ideal gas in terms of temperature:
\[\begin{equation} \label{eq:translational_kinetic_energy_temperature} K_{avg} = \frac{3}{2} k T \end{equation}\]
Mean free path of a molecule (average distance traveled between collisions of a molecule):
\[\begin{equation} \label{eq:mean_free_path} \lambda = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2} \pi d^{2} N/V} \end{equation}\]
\[\begin{equation} \label{eq:maxwell_speed_distribution} P(v) = 4 \pi ( \frac{M}{2 \pi RT} )^{\frac{3}{2}} v^{2} e^{\frac{-M v^{2}}{2RT}} \end{equation}\]
Based on this distribution, we can find a few speeds of interest relative to the distribution:
The average speed of the distribution is given by
\[\begin{equation} \label{eq:avg_speed_maxwell_dist} v_{avg} = \sqrt{\frac{8RT}{\pi M}} \end{equation}\]
The most probable speed of the distribution is given by
\[\begin{equation} \label{eq:probable_speed_maxwell_dist} v_{p} = \sqrt{\frac{2RT}{M}} \end{equation}\]
For an ideal monatomic gas:
\[ C_{v} = \frac{3}{2} R = 12.5\text{J/mol * k} \]
For a gas that is diatomic and molecules that rotate and do not oscillate:
\[ C_{v} = \frac{7}{2} R \]
Molar specific heat from constant volume to constant pressure
\[ C_{p} = C_{v} + R \]
Molar specific heat at constant volume:
\[ C_{v} = \frac{Q}{n \Delta T} \]
Molar specific heat at constant pressure:
\[ C_{p} = \frac{Q}{n \Delta T} \]
Change in internal energy due to temp change of an ideal gas:
\[\begin{equation} \label{eq:work_ideal_gas_deltatemp} \Delta E_{int} = n C_{v} \Delta T \end{equation}\]
Work related to ideal gas law:
\[ W = p \Delta V = n R \Delta T \]
When an ideal gas undergoes a slow adiabatic volume change (Q = 0):
\[ p V^{\gamma} = \text{a constant} \]
For free expansion:
\[ pV = \text{a constant} \]
Entropy change \(\Delta S\) for a reversible process that takes a system between the initial to final (or vice versa) state:
\[ \Delta S = S_{f} - S_{i} = \int_{i}^{f} \frac{dQ}{T} \]
When an ideal gas (reversibly) changes from an initial state, with changes to temp and volume, the change in entropy of the gas is:
\[ \Delta S = S_{f} - S_{i} = nR ln \frac{V_{f}}{V_{i}} = n C_{v} ln \frac{T_{f}}{T_{i}} \]
Efficiency \(\varepsilon\) of an engine:
\[ \varepsilon = \frac{\text{energy we get}}{\text{energy we pay for}} = \frac{\lvert W \rvert}{\lvert Q_{H} \rvert} \]
Carnot engine efficiency
\[ \varepsilon_{C} = 1 - \frac{\lvert Q_{L} \rvert}{\lvert Q_{H} \rvert} = 1 - \frac{T_{L}}{T_{H}} \]
Coefficient of performance \(K\) for a refrigerator:
\[ K = \frac{\text{what we want}}{\text{what we pay for}} = \frac{\lvert Q_{L} \rvert}{\lvert W \rvert} \]
A Carnot refrigerator is a Carnot engine in reverse:
\[ K_{C} = \frac{\lvert Q_{L} \rvert}{\lvert Q_{H} \rvert - \lvert Q_{L} \rvert} = \frac{T_{L}}{T_{H} - T_{L}} \]
The perfect refrigerator is when the energy extracted (as heat) from the low-temp reservoir is converted completely to heat discharged to the high-temperature reservoir without the need to do any work. This would violate the second law of thermodynamics though.
Multiplicity \(W\) of a configuration fo a system and the entropy \(S\) of the system in that configuration are related by Boltzmann’s entropy equation:
\[ S = k ln W \]
For a system of \(N\) molecules, that may be distributed between two halves of a box, the multiplicity is given by:
\[ W = \frac{N!}{n_{1}! n_{2}!} \]
Index of refraction of a medium can be found by:
\[ n = \frac{c}{v} \]
Law of refraction, or snell’s law:
\[ n_{1} sin \theta = n_{2} sin \theta \]
Path length difference:
\[ \Delta L = d sin \theta \]
To find the maximum intensity of an interference for Young’s experiment:
\[ d sin \theta = m \lambda \]
Similarly, To find the minimum intensity of an interference for Young’s experiment:
\[ d sin \theta = (m + \frac{1}{2}) \lambda \]
In Young’s interference experiment, two waves of intensity \(I_{0}\) will yield a resulting wave of intensity \(I\) at the viewing screen:
\[ I = 4 I_{0} cos^{2} \frac{1}{2} \phi \]
Maxima for light incident on a thin transparent film (bright film in air):
\[ 2L = (m + \frac{1}{2} ) \frac{\lambda}{n_{2}} \]
Minima (dark film in air):
\[ 2L = m \frac{\lambda}{n_{2}} \]
If a transparent material of index \(n\) and thickness \(L\) is in one path, the phase difference (in terms of wavelength) in the recombining beams (for Michelson’s interferometer) is equal to:
\[ \text{phase difference} = \frac{2L}{\lambda} (n - 1) \]