What are we doing



Documentation is available (Intel IA-32 Software Developer’s Manuals). Serves as a complete reference.


  • Intel released the 8086 (16 bit) in 1978
  • Then, in 1982, the 80186 and 80286 came about (still 16 bit)
  • In 1985, 80386 was the first 32 bit CPU [i386/IA-32]
  • In 2000, AMD created x86-64, a 64-bit ISA compatible with x86
  • Intel released IA-64 “Itanium” ISA, which was incompatible with x86
    • Was a failure Tbh


  • xv6 uses IA-32 ISA
    • But x86-64 is backwards compatible so it’ll work on that as well
  • x86 is CISC (Big brain architecture)
    • Memory operands for non-load/store instructions
    • Complex addressing modes
    • Relatively large number of instructions

Syntax / Formatting

  • Two common forms: Intel and AT&T syntax
  • Intel (common in Windows):
    • mov DWORD PTR [ebp-4], 10
  • AT&T (common in UNIX, default GCC output):
    • mov $10, -4(%ebp)
    • We will use this


  • There are 8 general-purpose ones
    • eax, ebx, ecx, edx, esi, edi, ebp, esp
  • 6 segment registers for addressing
    • cs, ds, ss, es, fs, gs
  • Status and control register
    • EFLAGS
  • Program Counter
    • eip
  • ‘e’ stands for extended (before these were 16 bit registers, in this we consider 32 bit registers)
  • Many others, like control registers, exist.

About the 8 general purpose registers:

  • They can be directly messed with
  • Most can be access in full (32 bits), or as 16/8 bit subvalues.
    • i.e. ah refers to the second halfs first 8 bits
    • There are diagrams that show this better
  • A register can be volatile or non-volatile (whether a function will mess with or guarantee it won’t mess with a register, respectively).
  • Convention:
    • eax return value
    • ebx
    • ecx Counter
    • edx
    • ebp Frame/Base Pounter
    • esi Source index (for arrays)
    • edi Destination index (for arrays)
    • esp Stack pointer
    • eax, ecx, edx are volatile

Instruction Operands

What types of stuff can we use in instructuins?


Arithmetic Instructions

  • {add, sub, imul} src dest
  • neg dest – negate
  • {inc, dec} dst
  • {sal, sar, shr} src, dst – Arithmetic and logical shifts (<<, >>, >>> respectively to the order shown).
  • {and, or, xor} src, dst
  • not dst – bitwise NOT

Conditions and Branches

  • cmp src, dst – Does dst - src. Does not store the result, but sets flags
  • test src, dst – Does dst & src. Does not store the result, but sets flags
  • jmp target – Unconditionally jump to target (Changes %eip)

Conditional jumps (these will make use of the EFLAGS flags):

  • {je, jne} target – Jump to target if equal
  • {jl, jle} target – Jump less than (or equal)
  • {jg, jge} target – Jump greater than (or equal)
  • {ja, jb} target – Jump to target if above/below (respectively)

What are the sources in these? These instructions make use of the EFLAGS register, which stores stuff from previous arithmetic instructions.

target is usually an address encoded as an immediate operand, but can also be stored in a register/memory. In that case however, indirect addressing is required, i.e. *%eax and *0x4001000 (We get the address at the location, and the * tells us to treat is as a memory address, this is indirect addressing).

Basic control structures

Consider an if statement

if (cond) {
  // if-clause
} else {
  // else-clause
testl %eax, %eax
# if-clause
  # else-clause
  # ...

Consinder a while control structure

while (cond) {
  // loop-body
testl %eax, %eax
  # loop-body
  testl %eax, %eax
  jne LOOP
  # ....

Data Movement

  • mov src, dest
  • movzbl src dest Copy 8 bit value to 32 bit target using zero fill
  • movsbl src dest Copy 8 bit value to 32 bit target using sign extension
  • {cmove/ne} src, dst Move data from src to dst if ZF = 0

Address computation

  • lea address, dst – Load effective address? Moves the ADDRESS (not the value) into the dst.

Functions and Call stack

Implicitly modify %esp$

  • push src – Push src onto stack
  • pop dst – Pop the top of the stack into dst
  • call target – Pushes the current %eip onto the stack and then jump to the target
  • leave – Restores the frame pointer %ebp and clears the stack frame
  • ret – Pop the stack into %eip

target can use indirect addressing.

Function calls

Functions make extensive use of the call-stack, and it has alot of convention.

Before calling:

  • Save old frame pointer, establish new one
  • Save non-volatile register values that may be changed in the function
  • Load parameters onto the stack
  • Allocate stack space for any local data

Right before returning:

  • Place return value in %eax
  • Deallocate any space used for local data
  • Restore/Pop any changed non-volatile register values
  • Restore/Pop old frame pointer
  • Return

Function calls (Optimization)

  • The steps of a function call can be optimized, since there is overhead in all that stack management
    • Prefer registers to stack-based args.
    • %esp does not always reflect the top of the stack
    • lea can be used in surprising ways (addressing modes as arithmetic)

Call Stack

  • Maintains dynamic state and context of an executing program
  • Saved frame pointers (previous values of %ebp) creates a chain of stack frames
    • Useful to navigate for debugging and tracing

Processor modes

When an x86 system boots up, it runs in 16-bit real mode (compatible with 8086) – all address reference “real” memory locations [no virtual memory business]

  • Goal is to first move to 16/32-bit protected mode. This adds privilege levels, virtual memory, and other mechanisms useful to the OS (i.e. for multitasking).
  • Then, (for x86-64), we move to 64-bit long mode. It removes some instructions and adds 64-bit registers and addressing.

Real mode addressing

  • Only 16 bit registers, however, there is support for 20-bit registers
    • How? Makes use of segment registers talked about earlier
    • Shifts segment number by 4 (ie. x16), to obtain the base address, and then add an offset to compute the 20-bit physical address
    • Example: IP=0x4000, CS=0x1100, CS:IP (segmented address) refers to 0x1100x16 + 0x4000 = 0x15000.

Protected Mode

  • Privileged instructions only available in supervisor mode
    • CPL flag is found in the CS register, we will cover the mechanism for updating CPL later
    • Segment registers hold selectors
      • Selectors are used to load segment descriptors from a descriptor table


  • Kernel is responsible for maintaining descriptor tables
    • System wide (Global)
    • Task-specific (Local)
  • Must be setup before transitioning to protected mode