- Why do we need an OS
- What does an OS do?
- What are some secondary concerns?
- How is an OS organized?
Why do we need an OS?
Question: What would programming look like without an OS?
- Consider a
hello world
- Consider a complex program requiring a compiler
- Consider a situation when we need multiple programs
- Consider I/O
What does an OS do?
What is an operating system?
Dictionary definition:
The software that supports a computer’s basic functions, such as scheduling tasks, executing applications, and controlling peripherals.
- Tasks & Applications: These are running programs, or processes
- A process is a program in execution
- The instructions and data are stored in memory
- The instructions and fetched and executed on the CPU
- Peripherals: I/O devices (Hardware)
So the OS runs processes and access hardware:
- Processes – concurrent execution of \(\ge\) 1 program
- Goal is to make this seamless, efficient, and robust
Problem: CPU, memory, and I/O devices are limited resources
- It is possible that the number of current processes exceeds the number of execution cores
- It is possible that the total amount of memory required for our programs exceeds the physical RAM
- It is possible that the number of file accesses exceeds the capacity a storage device can handle
For CPU and Memory, the OS’s solution is to virtualize them.
- Virtualization? Meaning, we want each process to have its own private CPU and its own memory address space
- The OS allocates and multiplexes CPU time and memory across all processes using available hardware
For I/O devices, an OS may mediate access via abstract interfaces, rather than provide the virtualization
- Simplify and secure I/O operations
- e.g., uniform API for reading/writing
- memory mapped access to “block” devices
I/O devices also enable persistence (i.e. non-volatile storage)
- Filesystems serve as namespaces for storing and accessing data
- Manipulating persistent data from dynamic, volatile processes can be tricky (i.e. crashing during writing to disk)
- Requires mechanisms to guarantee robustness
Primary OS responsibilities
- Virtualization
- Concurrency
- Persistence
Secondary concerns?
Processes can run at the same time whle sharing system resources
- Processes should be protected from each other, and isolated from the rest of the system.
- Security is a related concern.
Software attack vectors:
- Address fabrication (trying to address memory not allocated for the process)
- Buffer overflow (give it more bytes than it is supposed to have)
Software mechanisms:
- Static verification (e.g. type-checking) – programs must “pass” to be run
- Run-time tools (e.g. garbage collection, exception handling)
Common approach to approach this from hardware are “rings” of protection:
- x86 has a CPL (current privilege level) flag
- CPL=3 -> “user” mode
- CPL=0 -> “supervisor/kernel” mode
- Access to special instructions and hardware
How to modify CPL?
Q: Ok to allow the user directly modify CPL before calling OS? A: No, the user can set CPL to 0 and run arbitrary code
Q: What about combining CPL “set instruction with”jump" instruction to force instruction pointer change? A: No, user can jump into their code
Q: Ok, how about they have to jump into the OS? A: No, they can jump to anywhere in the OS
- Solution on x86:
- sets the CPL to 0
- But, it also loads a pre-defined OS entry point from an interrupt descriptor table
- IDT base address can only be set when CPL=0
- This is by the privileged
- Only happens during the boot process
Tight integration of software & hardware permits safe, controlled jumps between running user/OS code
- example of an application binary interface (“ABI”)
- contrast this with an API
Isolation is possible, but what code is run in user mode? What code is run in kernel mode?
- Longstanding debate in OS design/organization
How is an OS organized?
What are the top-level modules of an OS which must run in privileged/kernel mode?
“Standard” OS modules:
- Virtual Memory
- Scheduler
- Device drivers
- File System
Privileged modules constitute the “core” of the operating system; i.e., the OS kernel.
Simple approach: all of them are privileged
- Entire OS runs in kernel mode
- known as a monolitic kernel
Alternative approach: minimum privilege
- i.e. have a microkernel with a minimal set of privileged services
- everything else runs in user mode
- microkernel relays requests