Done by “Limited Direct Execution”

Direct Execution

OS loads program data and args and then gives control to the process


Limited Direct Execution

Must prevent user:

Kernel vs. user mode

  • Privileged instructions can only be executed in kernel mode
    • What happens when a user attempts to run?

System Calls

When user needs to perform I/O, invoke kernel mode OS via system calls

i.e. the C standard library has a function called printf that internally does a write system call.

How does a system call work?

  • Moves arguments into specific registers
  • Moves system call (4 for write) number into %eax
  • Does trap instruction (int 0x80)
  • Hardware will offset at 0x80 of an interrupt vector which has an address to an OS function
  • A mode switch is done (i.e. CPL 0 -> 3)
  • 0x80 of the interrupt vector could map to a central syscall handler function in the OS
  • OS can determine the system call wanted by reading the register %eax, the value is an offset of a table of syscalls (so index 4).
  • The routine based on the offset can then be called.

x86-64 although adds the syscall instruction which avoids the trap mechanism.

  • This avoids the interrupt table and jumps straight to the syscall handler whilst performing a mode switch.

From Syscall back to process

Saving Process State

Restoring Process State

Context Switch

Cooperative multitasking is done then, because we have made it so processes can trap to the OS and the OS can do its thing.

Preemptive Multiasking isn’t too hard then, we just need hardware assistance to schedule a periodic clock interrupt at fixed time intervals (e.g. 1ms).

The decision is a policy, the switch is a mechanism (carried out by a low level dispatcher). Talking about which policies to schedule and related algorithms is up next.