What this section is about:

Some Review from AC Circuits

Properties of Phase:


\(I_{m}\) is maxed out when:


“Frequency dependence of the maximum current”

\[ cos( \phi ) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{1+Q^{2} \frac{( x^{2} - 1 )^{2}}{x^{2}}}} \]

\[ I_{m} = \frac{\varepsilon_{m}}{R} \frac{1}{\sqrt{1+Q^{2} \frac{( x^{2} - 1 )^{2}}{x^{2}}}} \]


\(x\) is…

\[ x = \frac{ \omega }{ \omega_{0} } \]

\(\omega_{0}\) is…

\[ \omega_{0} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{LC}} \]

\(Q^{2}\) is…

\[ Q^{2} = \frac{L}{R^{2} C} \]

Average Power per Cycle

\[ P_{generator} = P_{resistor} = \frac{1}{2} I_{m} \varepsilon_{m} cos( \phi ) = \varepsilon_{rms} I_{rms} cos( \phi ) = \frac{\varepsilon_{rms}^{2}}{R} cos^{2}( \phi ) \]


Transformer Equations

\[ V_{S} = \frac{N_{S}}{N_{P}} V_{P} \]

\[ I_{P} = \frac{N_{S}}{N_{P}} I_{S} \]



Worked Out Example

Consider the circuit below:

It is composed of a generator, a resistor, an inductor, and a capacitor.

Here are some values associated with this problem:


What is the peak current, \(I_{m} ( \omega_{0} / 2 )\), when the frequency is half the resonant frequency?

Scoping out the problem

Since this is an AC circuit, we can usually determine any unknown circuit parameter using phasors. First, it is good to know that at the resonant frequency, the maximum peak current is reached. This is when \(X_{L} = X_{C}\), in other words this is when the impedance of the circuit is solely due to the resistor (since \(X_{L} - X_{C}\) is 0, that means the impedance only depends on the resistor).

Analyzing how to tackle the problem

Our plan of attack will be the following

Implementation of plan

Find resonant frequency

\[ X_{L} = X_{C} \] \[ \omega L = \frac{1}{ \omega C } \] \[ \omega_{0} = \frac{1}{ \sqrt{LC} } \] \[ \omega_{0} = 8165\ rad/sec \]

Finding resistance of circuit. We know at resonant frequency this is just equal to:

\[ R = \frac{\varepsilon_{m}}{I_{m} ( \omega_{0} )} = \frac{100 V}{4 A} = 25 \Omega \]

Find new reactances:

\[ X_{L} = 0.5 \omega_{0} C \] \[ X_{C} = \frac{1}{0.5 \omega_{0} C} \]

Find reactance component in impedance formula:

\[ X_{L} - X_{C} = -36.7 \Omega \]

Find max current at \(\omega_{0} / 2\):

\[ I_{max} = \frac{\varepsilon_{m}}{Z} = 2.25 A \]

Problem solved! Let’s summarize what we did so this might help for future problems: