What is Biotechnology?

Biotechnology is “any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to make or modiy products or processes for specific use”.


Making Insulin: 1970s

Cloning the Insulin Gene

Biotechnology and Crop Plants


Gene for Glyphosate Resistance

Nutritional Enhancement

Biotechnology in Forensics

STR DNA Profiling

STRs (short trandem repeats) are repeats of base pairs (2-9 in length) repeated 7-40 times. Each cluster is a heritable allele. Hundreds of STR loci are present in the human genome. FBI and other law enforcement selected 13 of the STR loci to be used as a set for forensic analysis. The markers are known as the CODIS panel (COmbined DNA Index System)

DNA Profiles: Methodology

Phylogenetic Analysis and HIV

Gene Editing Systems

CRISPR/Cas systems