- Layered Protocols
- Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
- Issues:
- Parameter Passing
- Binding
- Failure Handling
- Performance and implementation issues
Communication Protocols
- Protocols are agreements/rules on communication
- Protocols could be connection-oriented, or connectionless
Layered Protocols
A message as it appears on the network may contain headers/trailers that encapsulate the message as it traverse through the different layers in the OSI model. We can look at the OSI model in detail.
Physical Layer
- Goal: Raw bits over some communication channel
- Sample Issues:
- How to encode a 0 or 1
- What voltage should be uesd?
- How long does a bit need to be signaled?
- What kind of cable should be used?
- Example:
Data Link Layer
- Goal: Transmits error free frames (really a vector of bits) over the physical link
- Sample Issues:
- How big is a frame? (framing)
- How can errors be detected in sending the frame?
- What demarks the end of a frame?
- How to control access to a shared channel? (flow control)
- Examples:
Network Layer
- Goal: Route packets from the source to destination
- Sample Issues:
- How to route packets that have to travel several hops?
- Congestion control algorithm: traffic shaping, flow specifications, and bandwith reservation
- Accounting - charge for use of the network
- Fragment or combine packets depending on rules of link layer
- Examples:
Transport Layer
- Goal: Accurately transport session data in order
- Sample Issues:
- How to order messages and detect duplicates
- Error detection (corrupt packets) and retransmission
- Connectionless or connection-oriented
- Examples:
Session and Presentation Layer
- Goal: Common services shared by several apps
- Sample Issues:
- Allows users on different machines to establish sesions between them
- Encodes data in a standard agreed upon way
Application Layer
- Goal: Common types of exchanges standardized
- Examples: FTP, SMTP, HTTP
Middleware Protocols
- An application that logically lives in the applicaiton layer
- Contains many general-purpose protocols that warrant their own layers
Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
- Client-Server provides a mechanism for services in distribyted systems, BUT
- Requires explicit communication (send/recv)
- We don’t really want that, we want the communication to be transparent in a remote procedure call
- How do we make distributed computing look like traditional computing?
- Can we use procedure calls?
In distributed systems, the callee can be on a one system, and the caller on another.
- Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
- We do NOT want explicit message passing
Goal: Make RPC look like a local procedure call
- Allow remote services to be called as procedures
- Call should not be aware that the callee is actually on a different machine (and vice versa)
Conventional Procedure Call
Parameters are pushed onto the stack, then the return address, and then the local variables are pushed onto the stack.
Parameters in C:
- call by reference OR call by value
- Value parameters include like numbers, characters, etc.
- Reference parameters include pointers, or addresses in our address space.
- Many options are language dependent
Remote procedure calls can simulate this through:
- Stubs – procies
- Marshalling
- Suppose a client makes a procedure call (just like a local procedure call), but to a client stub
- Server is written as a standard procedure
- The stubs take care of packaging arguments, and sending messages
- The packaging is called marshalling
- Stub compilers can automatically generate stubs from specs in an IDL (interface definition language)
Steps of a Remote Procedure Call
- Client procedure calls client stub normally
- Stub builds message, calls local OS
- Client’s OS sends message to remote OS
- Remote OS gives message to server stub
- Server stub unpacks parameters, calls server
- Server does work, returns result to the stub
- Server stub packs it into a message, calls local OS
- Server OS sends message to client OS
- Client OS gives message to client stub
- Client Stub unpacks result, and returns to client
Marshalling: Value Parameters
Problem: Different machines can have different data formats..
Marshalling: Reference Parameters
Problem: How do we pass pointers?
- If it points to a well defined data structure, ?
- What about data structures containing pointers?
Implementation Issues
- Choice of protocol
- Copying costs are dominant overheads
- RPCs make distributed computations look like local computations
- Issues:
- Parameter passing
- Binding
- Failure Handling
- Performance and implementation issues
Case Study: Sun RPC
- One of the most widely used RPC systems
- Also known as Open Network Computing (ONC)
- Originally developed by Sun, now widely available
- Sun RPC package has an RPC compiler (rpcgen)
- Automatically generates the client and server stubs
- RPC package uses XDR (eXternal Data Representation)
- to represent data sent between client and server stubs
- Has built-in representation for basic types (int, float, char) & a declarative language for specifying complex data types
Binder: Port Mapper
1. Server start-up:
- Creates port
- Server stub calls
to register program # and version # with local port mapper
- Port mapper stores the prog #, version #, and port
2. Client start-up:
- Calls
to locate server port
- Upon return, client can start to call procedures at the server
Sun RPC Programming
The RPC library is a collection of tools for automating the creation of RPC clients and servers
- RPC clients are processes that call remote procedures
- RPC servers are processes that include procedures which are called by clients
RPC Library
- XDR Routines – Data is translated into standardized XDR format
- RPC run time library
- call rpc service, e.g. high-level client lib
- register with portmapper, e.g. high-level server lib
- dispatch incoming request to correct procedure, e.g. high-level server lib
- Program generator: RPCGEN
Example: RPC Programming
- Write RPC protocol specification file
- Write server procedure
- Write client procedure
Example: RPCGEN
- A tool for automating the creation of RPC client and servers.
- The program
does most of the work for you.
- The input to
is a protocol definition in the form of a list of remote procedures and parameter types.
Using SunRPC
rpcgen -c foo.x
- foo_clnt.c (client stubs)
- foo_svc.c (server main)
- foo_xdr.c (xdr filters)
- foo.h (shared header file)
gcc -o fooclient foomain.c foo_clnt.c foo_xdr.c -lnsl
- foomain.c is the client main() (and possibly other functions) that call rpc services via the client stub functions in foo_clnt.c
- The client stubs use the xdr functions.
gcc -o fooserver fooservices.c foo_svc.c foo_xdr.c -lrpcsvc -lnsl
- fooservices.c contains the definitions of the actual remote procedures
- Copy the server
to the remote machine and run it in the background
- Now you can call the remote procedure on a local machine
Lightweight RPCs
- Many RPCs occur between client and server on the same machine
- use a lightweight RPC mechanism (LRPC)
- Server S exports interface to remote proceduresa
- Client C on same machine imports interface
- OS kernel creates data structures including an argument stack shared between S and C
Other RPC Models
- Asynchronous RPC
- Server can reply as soon as request is received and execute procedure later
- Deferred-synchronous RPC
- Use two asynchronous RPCs
- Client needs a reply but can’t wait for it; server sends reply via another asynchronous RPC
- One-way RPC
- Client does not even wait for an ACK from the server
Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
- RPCs applied to objects
- Class: object-oriented abstraction; module with data and operations
- Seperation between interface and implementation
- Interface resides on one machine, implementation on another
- RMIs support system-wide object references
- Parameters can be object references
Proxies and Skeletons
- Proxy: client stub
- Maintains server ID, endpoint, object ID
- Sets up and tears down connection with the server
- Does serialization of local object parameters
- In practice, can be downloaded/constructed on the fly
- Skeleton: server stub
- Does deserialization and passes parameters to the server and sends results to the proxy
Static vs Dynamic RMI
Static invocation
- Use predefined interface definitions
- Require that interfaces of an object are known when client application is being developed
Dynamic invocation
- A method invocation is composed at runtime
- An application selects at runtime which method it will invoke for some remote object
Parameter Passing
- Less restrictive RPCs
- Supports system-wide object references
- Local objects passed by value, remote objects passed by reference
Persistence and Synchronicity combinations
Persistent: Receiver does not need to be running, message is persistent
Transient: Receiver needs to be running, otherwise message is discarded
Async: Sender continues immediately after it submits its message
Sync: Sender waits on a message to be stored in a local buffer at the receiving host, or actually delivered to the receiver.
Delivery-based: Waits for an ACK from receiver
Response-based: Waits for receiver to process request
RPC & RMI belong to transient synchronous communication.
Message-oriented Transient Communication
Many distributed systems are built on top of simple message-oriented model
- Transport-level: Berkeley sockets
- Sockets are a logical communication endpoint (send/recv)
Message-Passing Interface (MPI)
- Sockets are designed for network communication (TCP/IP)
- Simple send/receive primitives
- Use general-purpose protocol stacks like TCP/IP
Sockets are not a suitable abstraction for other protocols in clusters or massively parallel systems
- Hardware independent
- Designed for parallel applications on clusters
- Transient (sync/async) communication
- Key idea: Communication between groups of processes
- An endpoint can be represented as: (groupID, processID)
- Tons of primitives to facilitate this
Message-oriented Persistent Communication
These provide intermediate storage for messages, when a sender/receiver is inactive
The only guarantee to the sender is that their message will be delivered to the receiver queue (does not guarantee actual processing of the message).
A data stream is a sequence of data units:
- Discrete stream
- Continuous stream
For continuous streams:
- Async Transmission mode: Data items are transmitted sequentially, w/ no timing constraints
- Sync Transmission mode: Maximum end-to-end delay for each data unit
- Isochronous Transmission mode: Data units are transferred at a particular time