
Two types to discuss this semester:

Solutions Aqeueous General
solvent water Major component of the mixture
solute Substance dissolved in the water (primarily ionic compounds/salts) Substance dissolved in the solvent
Solution Types Reactions Equations
Strong electrolytes Acid/Base Molecular
Non-electrolytes Precipitation Total Ionic
Weak electrolytes Reduction-Oxidation or Oxidation-Reduction (redox) ?

Solution Types

Strong electrolytic (complete dissolution) solution

\[ NaCl (s) \rightarrow Na^{+} (aq) + Cl^{-} (aq) \]

Non-electrolytic solution

Weak electrolytic solution

Acid Base Reactions

Arrhenius definition of acids and bases

Strong Acids and Strong Bases

Strong Acids Strong Bases
\(HCl\) hydrochloric \(LiOH\)
\(HBr\) Hydrobromic \(NaOH\)
\(HI\) Hydroiodic \(KOH\)
\(HNO_{3}\) Nitric \(RbOH\)
\(HClO_{4}\) Perchloric \(CsOH\)
\(HClO_{3}\) Chloric acid \(Ca(OH)_{2}\)
\(H_{2}SO_{4}\) Sulfuric \(Sr(OH)_{2}\)
  • \(HF\) is not a strong acid

Redox Reaction

Assigning Oxidation numbers

Neutral elements and monatomic ions:

  • Neutral elements: the oxidation number equals zero
    • \(Ne\), monatomic gas
    • \(N_{2}\)/\(O_{2}\), diatomic molecules
    • \(O_{3}\), triatomic
    • \(Ag\), metal
  • Monatomic ions: oxidation number equals charge on the ion
    • \(Li^{+}\) has an oxidation number of 1
    • \(Ba^{2+}\) has an oxidation number of 2
    • \(N^{3-}\) has an oxidation number of -3

Polyatomic species:

  • Neutral molecules: sum of oxidation numbers = 0
    • Carbon Monoxide (\(CO\)) has sum of O: \(O\) is -2, \(C\) is +2
    • Carbon Dioxide (\(CO_{2}\)) has sum of O: \(O\) is -2, \(C\) is +4 (there are two oxygens)
  • Polyatomic ions: sum of oxidation numbers = charge of ion
    • Nitrite has a charge of -1 (\(NO_{2}^{-}\)). Oxygen is -2, Nitrogen is +3 (note: 2 oxygens, and must add up to -1)

Priority in Assigning Oxidation Numbers

  1. Group 1 Alkali Metals get \(+1\)
  2. Group 2 Alkali Earth Metals get \(+2\)
  3. Fluorine gets \(-1\)
  4. Hydrogen gets \(+1\)
  5. Oxygen gets \(-2\)
  6. Group 17 (except F) gets \(-1\)
  7. Group 16 (except O) gets \(-2\)
  8. Group 15 gets \(-3\)

Example: Assigning Oxidation Numbers

  • \(H_{2}\) (g) gets 0, it is a neutral diatomic molecule
  • \(MnO_{2}\) (s) as a sum gets 0, it is a neutral compound
    • \(O\) is first, it gets -2
    • \(Mn\) has to be +4
  • \(MnO_{4}^{-}\) (aq) as a sum gets -1, it is a polyatomic ion
    • \(O\) goes first with -2
    • \(Mn\) gets -7 (to sum to -1)
  • \(Fe\) (s) gets 0 (neutral monatomic)
  • \(Fe^{2+}\) (aq) gets +2
  • \(K_{2}Cr_{2}O_{7}\) (aq) gets 0 as a sum
    • \(K\) gets +1
    • \(O\) gets -2
    • \(Cr\) gets +6
  • \(CClF_{3}\) gets 0 as a sum
    • \(F\) gets -1
    • \(Cl\) gets -1
    • \(C\) gets +4
  • \(ClF_{3}\) gets 0 as a sum
    • \(F\) gets -1
    • \(Cl\) gets +3
  • \(H_{2}O\) gets 0 as a sum
    • \(H\) gets +1
    • \(O\) gets -2
  • \(H_{2}O_{2}\) (hydrogen peroxide) gets 0 as a sum
    • \(H\) gets +1
    • \(O\) gets -1
    • In peroxides, \(O\) is -1.

Redox reactions

Reduction-Oxidation and Oxidation-Reduction rxns are known as “redox” rxns.

  • Redox rxns are where there ox. number (also called ox. state) of at least one element changes

Combusion Rxn:

\[ CH_{4} + 2O_{2} \rightarrow CO_{2} + 2H_{2}O \]

Elements Reactant Side Product Side Difference Charge
C -4 +4 +8 8
H +1 +1 0 0
O 0 -2 -2 -2
  • Reduction is a reduction in the oxidation number
    • In the example, this means Oxygen is reduced
  • Oxidation is an increase in the oxidation number
    • In the example, this means Carbon is oxidized

Associated idea:

  • Oxidizing agent
    • Thing that does the oxidation
    • Element that is reduced
    • This is Oxygen in the example
  • Reducing agent
    • Thing that does the reduction
    • Element that is oxidized
    • This is Carbon in the example

Redox Example

Consider the rxn:

\[ 2Al (s) + 3CuSO_{4} (aq) \rightarrow Al_{2}(SO_{4})_{3} (aq) + 3 Cu (s) \]

Total ionic (aqeueous separate):

\[ 2Al (s) + 3Cu^{2+} (aq) + 3SO_{4}^{2-} (aq) \rightarrow 2Al^{3+} + 3SO_{4}^{2-} (aq) + 3 Cu (s) \]

Notice the \(3SO_{4}^{2-}\) is a spectator ion, so we can write the net ionic (excluding the spectator ion):

\[ 2Al (s) + 3Cu^{2+} (aq) \rightarrow 2Al^{3+} + 3 Cu (s) \]

Elements Initial Ox. Num Final Ox. Num Diff Change
Al 0 +3 +3 Oxidation
Cu +2 0 -2 Reduction

Half Reaction

Half rxn is a balanced chemical equation that includes electrons to maintain charge balance.

Consider aluminum from the previous rxn:

\[ Al \rightarrow Al^{+3} \]

Charge is imbalanced, must add electrons to the product side

\[ Al \rightarrow Al^{+3} + 3e^{-} \]

Now, the charge is balanced.

Notice, that aluminum loses 3 electrons, so oxidation is loss of electrons

Consider copper from the previous rxn:

\[ Cu^{2+} + 2e^{-} \rightarrow Cu \]

Reactants need to gain 2 electrons, so reduction is gain of electrons

Acronym: OIL RIG (oxidation is loss of electrons) (reduction is gain of electrons)

\[ Al \rightarrow Al^{3+} + 3e^{-} \]

\[ Cu^{2+} + 2e^{-} \rightarrow Cu \]

Let’s double the first and triple the second

\[ 2Al \rightarrow 2Al^{3+} + 6e^{-} \]

\[ 3Cu^{2+} + 6e^{-} \rightarrow 3Cu \]

Electrons cancel, so we are left with:

\[ 2Al + 3Cu^{2+} \rightarrow 2Al^{3+} + 3Cu \]

Disproportionation Reaction

\[ 2 H_{2}O_{2} \rightarrow + 2H_{2}O + O_{2} \]

Element Init Final Change
H +1 +1 0
O -1 -2/0 -1/+1

A disproportionation rxn means one element is both reduced and oxidized.


We use molarity to figure out how much solute is in a solution

Example: Concentration

  1. What is the concentration of a solution that contains 0.715 moles of solute in 0.495L of solution?

\[ \text{conc} = \frac{n}{v} = \frac{0.715\text{ mol}}{0.495\text{ L}} = 1.44\text{ mol/L} = 1.44\text{ M} \]

  1. How many moles of \(KI\) are in 85 mL of 0.50 M solution?

\[ \text{conc} = \frac{n}{v} \]

\[ n = \text{conc} * V = 0.50\text{ M} * 0.085\text{ L} = 0.042\text{ mol KI} \]

  1. What volume of 1.23M \(KClO_{3}\) solution contains 0.575 mol of solute?

\[ \frac{0.575}{1.23} = 0.467\text{ L} \]

  1. To add 135g of sucrose (molar mass 342.3 g/mol) to an experiment, how many mL of 3.30 M solution must be added?
  1. How many of moles of sucrose does this mass represent?

\[ \frac{135}{} * \frac{1}{342.3} = 0.394\text{ mol} \]

  1. How many mL of 3.30M contain 0.394 mol?

\[ V = \frac{\text{mol}}{M} = \frac{0.394}{3.30} = 0.1195\text{ L} = 120. \text{ mL} \]

Stock Solution

Adding 127.4 g of \(NaOH\) (40.00 g/mol) to make 500.0 mL of solution.

\[ \frac{127.4}{} * \frac{1}{40.00} = 3.185\text{ mol NaOH} \]

\[ \frac{n}{v} = \frac{3.185}{.5} = 6.370\text{ M} \]

Stock Solution: Dilution

Using the 6.370 M stock solution, how to get 0.100 M of NaOH 250.0 mL volumetric flask; how much of the stock solution needs to be diluted?

\[ M_{1}V_{1} = M_{2}V_{2} \]

\[ V_{1} = V_{2} \frac{M_{2}}{M_{1}} = 250.0 * \frac{0.1000}{6.370} = 3.925\text{ mL} \]

Can also solve this by finding number of moles

Understanding Concentration

What is in a solution when we say, “A solution of nominal concentration of 0.01M”?

Suppose sodium chloride dissolve to Na and Cl: the nominal concentration of the individual ions are the same as the salt itself, since the quantities are 1:1.